Lexi Crump
2018 Live Like Josh Seidel Engineering Scholarship Recipient
Lexi Crump is a mechanical engineering major and Architectural studies minor student graduating in May of 2020. As a long time Mizzou legacy, Lexi grew up with black and gold in her blood. Mizzou offered everything Lexi wanted in a college campus, a rich history, great traditions, and a mostly successful football team. She knew when she came to campus that this was the place she belonged.
Lexi began her journey in engineering with her high school robotics club. The ever-changing design challenges and the multidisciplinary environment helped lead her to choose Mechanical engineering as a major. While at Mizzou, Lexi has continued to compete in robotics competitions and has even founded a competition team, Mizzou SURF, Students underwater robotics foundation, which runs on the principles of teamwork, communication and community involvement.
When Lexi is not busy hitting the books or working on campus, she enjoys spending time with her friends in downtown Columbia, attending Mizzou football games, and participating in events for her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega. Lexi is involved in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as well as the St. Louis Variety Children’s Charity.